Popcorn Sign Up

Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. Over 70% of the popcorn sale support your programs and local Scouting! The Atlanta Area Council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for your Unit to research opportunities, calculate returns on sales, create sales and promotional materials, manage a relationship with a vendor, etc. The popcorn sale also helps the council raise money for summer camps, offering more extensive training for our volunteer leaders and members, and creating new and exciting programs for your Scouts.

Scouts gain confidence, salesmanship and communication skills, and a sense of accomplishment. The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn; it’s also about promoting Scouting and the Scouting ideals!

Don’t have a Kernel yet? No problem! Still register so your Pack, Troop, or Crew can still qualify for extra commission and receive important information. We can add / switch contact information later.

Sign up at www.trails-end.com!

TODAY                  Register at www.trails-end.com
July 1                     Online Sales Begin
July 20                  Popcorn Party #1! @ VSC (req. 1 of 3 for extra commission)
July 31                  Popcorn Party #2! @ VSC (req. 1 of 3 for extra commission)
Aug 29                  Show-N-Sales Orders Due
Sept 12                 Show-N-Sale Distribution (req. 2a of 3 for extra commission)
Oct 24                   Take Orders Due
Nov 9                    Take Order Distribution (req. 2b of 3 for extra commission)
Dec 5                     Payment/Prize Orders Due (req. 3 of 3 for extra commission – payment on time)


*If your Pack, Troop, or Crew did not sale last year, don’t miss out again this year! Online orders are delivered directly to buyers and are no hassle. Give your Scouts the opportunity to earn their way!